04 February 2015

Review: Lorac Pro Palette 2


It'll be a picture heavy post and a quick one today on account of I feel like actual death warmed up and then stamped on, chewed up, spat out and then flushed down the toilet. I look as sexy as that sounds. Ergh.

Something that IS sexy though (smooth segway) is the Lorac Pro Palette 2. If you watch YouTube at all (YouTube 4 lyf) then you'll be familiar with the ridiculously beautiful Lorac Palettes. They are every beauty guru's favourite, and now I have one! And I am VERY HAPPY about it. I even did a dance!

Onto the Palette!
LOOK AT IT! It's so beautiful! Like, super fricking beautiful. The palette itself is made up of 16 cool-toned eyeshadows, the top row is made up of matte shades and the bottom is all the shimma shimma shades. And they are all so, so lovely!

No flash
The matte shades are all incredibly pigmented, especially the Plum and Navy colours, which were actually near impossible to remove. But in a good way! The only problem shade for me is Buff, the palest matte shade. I think it's designed to be a browbone highlight, but because I am apparently ghostly pale, it's actually a little too yellow for me. It's still a beautiful shade, just not a great highlight for pale folk. The swatches are all one swipe, so you can see how intense the colour payoff is, the only one not quite as dark is the black, which could do with being a little darker. The shadows are all buttery and beautiful and super easy to blend. And I am very happy to have a palette that understands that mattes are just as beautiful as the shimmers! 
No flash
The shimmer shades are INSANELY gorgeous and again, super buttery and easy to blend. Unlike the first Lorac Pro Palette, which is a lovely warm-toned palette (that WILL be mine) the shimmer shades in this all lean towards the cool end of the spectrum. Honestly,I adore all of these shades, but a personal favourite has to be Rosé, which is a lovely rose gold, and Chrome, which has the most beautiful gold/silver sheen. They really need to be seen to understand how gorgeous they are! 

Now comes the only downside to people not in the U.S. This palette isn't actually available worldwide. 'Why would you review a palette I can't buy?!' I hear you cry, waving pitchforks, but fear not! You can get this palette on www.amazon.com, which dispatches the palettes from Lorac and Lorac is marked as the seller so you know you are getting the genuine product. OR, you can go to www.nordstrom.com, who also sell Lorac palettes and other goodies. I will say, worldwide shipping and customs work out a good bit cheaper with Amazon, so if you do want the palette but nothing else, I'd probably advise going for it here. The customs and shipping is all included in the price which comes to £40 roughly. The palette itself retails for $42, so it's not an awful price in the long run to get the palette shipped from America. What I'm saying is, you should TOTALLY BUY THIS. 

Alright, I'll leave it there for tonight and return to my rightful place on the sofa to watch terrible films and make myself feel better. If you have any palette recommendations, leave them down below or hit me up on Twitter or Facebook. I'd love to see you there!

Be nice and be kind,
Becca xo


Motherhood, films, beauty, and life



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